artKenya will register the domain of your choice on your behalf and entails US-based (com, net, org, biz, web, tv, and numerous new TLDs, like .attorney, .club, .coffee, etc. – see the box below for details) or local (,, domains.

Prices on request; please contact us for more information:

‘Old’ domains ‘New’ domains
.biz .academy
.co .accountants
.com .actor
.info .agency
.me .airforce
.mobi .army
.net .associates
.org .attorney
.tv .auction
.us .audio
.ws .band
.xxx .bar
.ag .bargains .beer .berlin .bid
.am .bike
.asia .black
.at .blackfriday .blue .boutique .build
.be .builders .business .buzz
.bz .cab .camera .camp
.ca .capital
.cc .cards
.ch .care .careers .cash .catering
.cz .center
.de .cheap
.dk .christmas
.es .church .city .claims .cleaning
.eu .click
.fm .clinic
.fr .clothing
.gs .club
.in .coach .codes .coffee .community .company .computer .condos
.it .construction
.jp .consulting
.la .contractors
.ms .cooking
.mx .cool .country
.nl .credit .creditcard .cricket .cruises
.pe .dance .dating .deals .degree .delivery
.ph .democrat .dental .dentist .diamonds
.ru .diet
.se .digital
.sg .direct
.so .directory .discount .domains .education
.tk .email
.tw .energy .engineer .engineering .enterprises
.uk .equipment .estate .events .exchange
.ws .expert .exposed
  • Domain renewals are automatically monitored and a renewal invoice sent to you so that you will never lose your domain for non-payment.
  • We manage the DNS of your domain to ensure that your emails and website are always up and running.

(all prices and fees subject to 16% VAT)

  • US domains (.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, etc): Kshs 3,000 per year
  • Kenyan domains (, Kshs 3,000 per year
  • Fees for other domains on request.

(all fees subject to 16% VAT)